How To Extract Carrot Juice

Raw carrot juice can be made in a juicer or with a blender, of which there will be review for both.

The amount of carrots used depends on the amount of juice get. For 1 medium sized glass of carrot juice, start with 3 – 4 carrots.

Method with blender


Take carrots, wash them well under running water. Peel them and cut off the top portion or the head where it was attached to plant.


Cut the carrots into manageable portions. This way was to prevent blender from getting damaged. Cut into one to two-inch chunks.


After all, those cleaning and cutting process, add the chunks of carrots into blender. Add small amounts of water to make the carrots moist and make a puree.

Mix water

This will dilute the carrot puree. Boil 1 cup of water,  add to the puree and give them a nice stir.

Steep the mixture

Allow the mixture of carrot puree and hot water to sit for 15-20 minutes. This step will boost its nutrient properties.


Place a cheesecloth bag or hand strainer in chosen glass or container to catch the juice.

Pour blender contents into the bag and squeeze as much of the juice as possible into glass.

Method with juicer

Wash them in clean water

Scrape the outer skin if you like. Organic carrots simply need a clean rinse.

Put the carrots in a juicer

Reference from YouTube 

Collect the fresh carrot juice in a glass

Reference from YouTube 

Enjoy the taste and nutritional punch that fresh veggie juice gives.


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