Glowing Skin With Orange Peel Powder

Orange peel has purposes manifold. Report suggest that orange peel is actually the healthiest part of the whole fruit. 

Orange flesh contains about 71 milligrams of vitamin C, the peel contains over 136 milligrams.

Research tells that orange peels are rich in flavonoids and several other important phytochemicals that offer various health benefits.

The peel contains citric acid that helps in the brightening of skin naturally. It gives skin the glow that has ever wanted. 

Good skin care products that are available as acne creams, or cleanses, or oil balance products must contain this ingredient

Nutrients values in orange peel

1. Vitamin C: Did you know that orange peels actually contain way more vitamin C than the orange pulp itself? Every 100 grams of orange peels contain 136 milligrams of vitamin C, while the fleshy inside part beneath the peel only has 70 milligrams/100 grams.

Vitamin C not only combats free radicals that destroy functioning skin cells but also helps add a glowing shine to skin, which makes orange peels a potent beauty product for skin.

2. Calcium: You may be surprised to discover that calcium is actually very good for skin, but it’s true! It contributes in renewing worn out skin cells and preventing DNA damage.

Every 100 grams of orange peels contains 161 milligrams, or 16 percent of the daily recommended value, of calcium, which makes them perfect for skin products. If you have itchy dry skin, be sure to check your calcium levels, they might be deficient!

3. Dietary fiber: Orange peels are a rich source of dietary fiber, particularly pectin. The dietary fiber provided by 100 grams orange peels is 28 percent of the recommended dietary allowance.

Research shows that drying orange peels actually increases the production of pectin.

Besides preventing irritable bowel syndrome, dietary fiber also helps prevent blood sugar levels from peaking immediately after a meal.

 The most important thing to note is that dietary fiber can only be gotten through diet—vitamin supplements do not contain fiber.

How to make orange peel powder

Orange peel powder can be easily made with the help of orange and blender also some days time to dry the peels. 
  • Save up orange peels from the organic oranges you eat, remove the white fribrous parts on the inside of the peel, and wash them in clean warm water.

  • Spread the orange peels on a tray and place to direction of sunlight for some days to dried up. The water should have evaporated and the peel must look dehydrated. Cover the try with a thin cloth for protection against dirt and insect if it would be left outdoor.   

  • Without adding any water, crush your peels into a fine powdery texture using a blender, food processor, or mortar and pestle.

  • Store orange peel powder in an airtight jar.


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